
Russian Osteopathic Journal

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No 3 (2020)
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7-15 565

Introduction. The human body is a single system of interconnected organs that are connected not only anatomically, but also functionally. The most extensive fascial-muscular associations are called «anatomical trains» (the concept of Thomas Myers), the impact on which can cause changes at a significant distance from the point of application of force. The available literature describes the effect of stretching hamstrings (an important component of the «surface posterior muscle band») on changes in the function of the temporomandibular joint, lumbodynia, mobility of the lumbosacral spine and hip joints. However, the values of stretching hamstings on human posture and reducing cervicalgia were not evaluated.

The goal of research — investigate the effect of active isolated stretching of the muscles posterior thigh and shin on the intensity of cervicalgia and patient posture.

Materials and methods. The material for this work is the results of observation of 17 patients aged 15–17 years with cervicalgia of various genesis, who are under inpatient treatment for spinal deformities with a distinct increase in the severity of thoracic physiological kyphosis (juvenile osteochondrosis, dysplastic kyphoscoliosis, cervical spine dysplasia, etc.). Patients performed daily physical exercises for 12 days with active isolated stretching of the muscles of the posterior surface of the thigh and lower leg (according to the concept of Thomas Myers — «surface posterior muscle band»). The orthopedic status and clinical condition of patients were evaluated. Instrumental diagnostics was performed by the method of topography of optical deformities of the spine (TODS) (Novosibirsk, «Medical topographic systems» — LLC «METOS»), as well as using a standard tablet computer with a software application (patent RU 2638644) «Smart-Ortho 2D» for Android. The intensity of pain in the cervical spine was assessed by the doctor using a dynamometer-algometer, as well as by the patients themselves on the VAS scale.

Results. During the initial clinical examination, 14 out of 17 (or 82 % of cases) observed patients with complaints of cervicalgia registered femoral-lumbar rigidity. It was most pronounced in the limitations of the Tomayer test (the forward tilt of the torso). In 15 patients (88 %), the value of thoracic physiological kyphosis exceeded the norm (20–23 mm according to TODS data) by 6–43 mm. Active isolated stretching of the posterior thigh and lower leg muscles resulted in complete elimination of pain syndrome in all patients in the study group. With regard to kyphotic posture, we note that these therapeutic measures did not cause significant changes in the parameters of the sagittal profile of the vertebral column, but there was a clear trend to reduce the severity of thoracic kyphosis with simultaneous deepening of lumbar lordosis. The angle of the anterior pelvic tilt changed (increased) according to the TODS data. The Tomayer test began to approach the norm in 12 people (70,5 %).

Conclusion. The use of active isolated exercises aimed at stretching the «surface posterior muscle band» in the observed group of patients contributed to the complete relief of pain in 100 % of cases. At the same time, these therapeutic measures did not have a significant effect on the severity of physiological sagittal bends and pelvic tilt. The results of clinical observation of patients with cervicalgia of various genesis, being treated and using a set of exercises with active isolated stretching of muscles posterior thigh and shin, make it possible to recommend this complex for using. The simplicity of the exercises does not cause any difficulties in performing, which makes it understandable and accessible for general prophylaxis. 

16-28 302

Introduction. One of the serious complications after limb injuries is the development of Sudeck-Turner syndrome (refl ex sympathetic dystrophy). Various methods of conservative treatment are used: drug therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, blockade, and finally with prolonged and unsuccessful conservative therapy, various types of surgical techniques. However the severity and duration of the disease, the treatment low efficiency, the unpredictability of the pathological process outcome forces traumatologists looking for new treatment methods. Osteopathic correction could be one of these methods.

The goal of research — to substantiate the use of osteopathic correction methods in patients with Sudeck syndrome.

Materials and methods. 11 patients suffering from post-traumatic pain syndrome were examined and treated for complications of distal forearm fractures. 5 patients were included in the control group and received treatment according to standard methods. 6 patientswere included in the main group and received osteopathic correction. Dynamics of patients′ condition changes was evaluated by the photographic method, X-ray of the wrist joint in 2 projections, assessment of carpal muscle strength on 6-point scale, the assessment of wrist strength by dynamometrical carpal dynamometer. The osteopathic status of patients was also assessed at the beginning and at the end of treatment. Statistical analysis was performed using nonparametric statistics.

Results. It was found that osteopathic correction of the patients suffering withSudeck syndrome reduces the treatment time for this patients′category. The study showed that the treatment period is reduced by an average of 35 days. In addition, in patients receiving osteopathic correction, the function of the damaged limb is restored to a fuller extent: only in 33% of cases there was a limitation of motion range (compared with 100 % in the control group), there was no edema (compared with 60 % in the control group), the carpal force increased by 66 % (48 % — the control group), in 50 % of the patients the carpal force was fully restored.

Conclusion. The conducted research allowed comparing the possibilities of traumatological rehabilitation treatment of thepatients suffering withSudeck syndrome, and the treatment using osteopathic methods of examination and correction. The obtained results allow to recommend osteopathic correction in the complex of measures for the treatment of Sudeck syndrome. 

29-40 392

Introduction. Uterine myoma (leiomyoma) occupies one of the first placesin the structure of gynecological diseases.This disease negatively affects both the state of health and the reproductive function of women. Now the problem of the effective methods for the treatment of leiomyoma (including non-medicinal methods, one of which is the osteopathic correction of somatic dysfunctions) is still acutedespite some progress in understanding the mechanisms of this disease pathogenesis. However, the structure of these functional disorders has not been practically studied.

The goal of research — to investigate the structure of somatic dysfunctions (SD) in women with uterine myoma before and after osteopathic correction and its relationship with the severity of subjective indicators.

Materials and methods. A simple longitudinal randomized study was conducted in 2018–2019 on the basis of a women’s consultation in Kirov, it included 30 women aged 35 to 44 years being under the medical supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist, with a diagnosis of intramural uterine myoma, nodular form. All women with intramural nodular leiomyoma were divided into 2 groups of 15 people, comparable in age, presence of comorbidities and duration of the disease, using a simple randomization method (a random number generator was used). The main group received osteopathic treatment, and for patients of the control group it was carried out dynamic monitoring. According to the scheme, all patients underwent a clinical gynecological examination, a clinical osteopathic examination, and the dynamics of the severity of subjective manifestations (complaints) was evaluated.The collected data was processed by nonparametric statistics.

Results. In the course of osteopathic diagnostics in women with uterine fibroids the following SD were identified: the somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic region dominated among the regional SD, and the most common among the local SD were the somatic dysfunctions of the segment С0–СI and the thoracic diaphragm. As the result of osteopathic correction of diagnosed SD in patients with leiomyoma, the decrease of the total number of SD (p<0,05) and the change of their structure has occurred (before treatment the SD at the regional level prevailed, after treatment there was a reduction in their number, and the increasing of the number of SD local level due to the carried out correction of most existing regional violations); and the severity of subjective symptom (algodismenorrhea) has decreased (p<0,05).

Conclusion. In women with uterine myoma (leiomyoma), SD can manifest at different levels. Osteopathic correction of SD in women with uterine myomasignificantly reduces the severity of subjective manifestations (algodismenorrhea), which allows us to continue the research in studying of the impact of the SD osteopathic correction in the complex treatment of women with intramural nodular form of uterine myoma. 

41-53 435

Introduction. Changes occuring in a woman′s organism during pregnancy are genetically programmed and have a physiological adaptive character. The range of these changes affect all organism systems and is caused by the need to sustain the mother and the fetus; and the changes severity is causedby gestational age, number of fetuses and individual reserve possibilities of the motherorganism. The development of pregnancy is accompanied by a number of regular structural and functional changes in the woman′s organism, which in turn can serve as a background or cause for the formation of somatic dysfunctions, the level of manifestation and severity of which depend on the compensatory capabilities of the female organism.

The goal of research was to study the occurrence frequency of somatic dysfunction in pregnant women at different stages of pregnancy and to compare it with anatomical and physiological changes in the woman′s organism.

Materials and methods. It was examined 162 healthy pregnant women aged 25 to 45 years, with a gestation period of 7 to 37 weeks. The average age was 33±2,1 year, the proportion of the first-time mothers was 62 %. The distribution of women by trimester of pregnancy was as follows: I trimester — 42 people, II trimester — 60 people, III trimester — 60 people. There were no statistically significant differences in the age of the subjects in these three groups (p>0,05). The study lasted from February 2019 to March 2020. Each patient was examined by an osteopath during the initial treatment.

Results. A statistically significant increase in the incidence of somatic dysfunctions (SD) of the thoracic region (p<0,05) and the pelvic region (p<0,001) was found from the first to the third trimester of pregnancy. SD of the lumbar region appeared only in the second trimester, and in the third trimester the occurrence frequency of these SD has not changed. It is these three regions that experience the most pronounced structural and functional changes, which are increasing with the pregnancy development. The most significant changes occur in the pelvic region, both in its structural component (bones, joints, muscles, ligaments) and in the visceral component (growing uterus). In addition, the most significant changes in blood and lymph circulation occur in the pelvic region. According to our observations, somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic region occurred in 7,1 % of the examined patients in the first trimester, in 25 % — in the second trimester, and in 63,3 % — in the third trimester. Among local SD, there is a statistically significant increase in the occurrence frequency of SD of the thoracic diaphragm, the pubic joint and impaired mobility of the uterus (p<0,01) with an increase in the duration of pregnancy, which is natural. As the size of the uterus increases, there is a decrease in the mobility of the thoracic diaphragm, which is most pronounced in the 3rd trimester. The pubic joint undergoes increasing stress and structural and functional restructuring as pregnancy progresses. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0,01) in the representation of dominant somatic dysfunctions depending on the duration of pregnancy, the predominance in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy in most women (63,3 %) of the dominant SD of the pelvic region.

Conclusion. The functional changes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman have not only specific characteristics associated with the period of pregnancy, but also serve as a background condition that predisposes to the formation of specific somatic dysfunctions. As pregnancy progresses, the somatic dysfunctions of the pelvic and thoracic regions come to the fore; these SD are most likely associated with changes in the postural balance of a pregnant woman, due to changes in anatomically-topographic relationships due to the growth of the pregnant uterus. 

54-61 375

Introduction. One of the important tasks in preparing an osteopath and a manual therapist for independent work with patients is to assess the adequacy of the state of his neuromuscular apparatus, psycho-vegetative status for physical and psychological stress. Relevant is the search for informative express techniques for studying the state of the neuromuscular system and the doctor’s regulatory systems.

The goal of research — to substantiate a non-invasive express method for assessing the state of the neuromuscular system in osteopaths and manual therapists.

Materials and methods. The study was attended by specialists from the Primorsky Institute of Vertebroneurology and Manual Medicine. For the diagnosis, a method was used to assess the adequacy of the muscular effort of specialists, which has proved its effectiveness in individuals whose work is associated with physical activity against the background of emotional stress. The distribution of doctors was as follows. The first group consisted of novice specialists who did not have the practice of independent work (21 people). The second — experienced, with significant experience and showing stable treatment results (19 people). The groups did not have any special differences by age and gender. Statistical processing was carried out using standardized functions of Excel programs. The significance of differences in average values was determined using parametric analysis. Student t-test was used. Differences between groups were evaluated by the Pearson χ2 method. Differences were considered statistically significant at p<0,05.

Results. Features of the state of the musculoskeletal system in both groups were analyzed. In the first group (novice specialists), non-optimal motor stereotype was found in 19 of 21 doctors (90,5 %), and in the second group (experienced specialists with work experience) — only in 3 of 19 (15,8 %), χ2=3,32, p<0,05. In the first group, 12 of 21 doctors (63,2 %) first appeared or worsened pain in the spine, somatic dysfunctions appeared in the spine, limbs, internal organs, 3 of 21 doctors (14,3 %) postural instability was observed after work. The doctors of the second group also had back pain, but they were compensated in nature, they were less worried, did not cause psycho-emotional disorders. Of the physiological parameters, a characteristic was a decrease in the strength and endurance of the muscles of the hand, increased fatigue, and, most importantly, inadequacy of muscle effort. The average value of spontaneous muscle effort in the first group was 0,56±0,12 units, significantly exceeding the figures in the second group 0,32±0,10 units. Dynamic monitoring of the work of specialists showed that after 2–3–4 months the main symptoms in most are leveled, confidence in work appears, pains go away, the optimality of the motor stereotype and autonomic regulation is restored.

Conclusion. In osteopaths and manual therapists with a low degree of adaptation to the conditions of selfadministration of patients, the muscle effort during the procedure becomes inadequate to the load; fatigue occurs much faster and is more pronounced by the end of the working day. They are more often diagnosed with a non-optimal motor stereotype, which leads to an exacerbation of vertebrogenic pain syndrome and other diseases. The method of rapid diagnosis of the adequacy of muscle effort allows you too quickly and with minimal cost to identify osteopaths and manual therapists with a low degree of adaptation to working conditions and to carry out the necessary prevention. 

62-71 291

Introduction. Clinical assessment of a patient’s condition is traditionally based on comparing indicators characterizing the state of the body with the norm. In medicine, the understanding of the norm as a standard, a typical variant, as an ideal sample has become established. It is obvious that when studying mass phenomena, the norm is identified with the average variant. The osteopathic status of a healthy person has not yet been refl ected in scientific research, since in most cases people with specific complaints, long-established somatic dysfunctions (SD) and associated organic pathology come to an osteopathic doctor. In addition, due to the small spread of the «osteopathy» specialty in the field of compulsory health insurance, and the long duration of each appointment with a specialist, the number of people who have gone through an osteopathic examination is relatively small. Accordingly, there is a problem of assessing the osteopathic status (OS) on a fairly representative sample of conditionally healthy people. To solve this problem, it is advisable to conduct an osteopathic examination of a large group of practically healthy population, and systematize the obtained data. The category of military personnel can be chosen as such a population group — these are practically healthy and already minimally examined people.

The goal of research is to study the osteopathic status of the practically healthy group of men of military age, and to give a statistical assessment of the quantitative and qualitative diversity of the identified SD.

Materials and methods. The study involved practically healthy men of military age — conscripts, in the number of 480 people. According to the developed protocol, anamneses were collected and medical documentations of the study participants were studied, and the presence of a history of chronic diseases, operations and injuries was recorded. The assessment of the osteopathic status was based on the results of a Global osteopathic examination, which was conducted in accordance with clinical recommendations. Statistical processing of the results was performed using generally accepted parametric and nonparametric methods.

Results. The dominant regional (RSD) and local (LSD) somatic dysfunctions were identified in the examined group of military personnel: RSD — 4 % (region of the Dura mater); LSD — 96 %, including 37 % — visceral LSD, 35 % — LSD of the musculoskeletal system, 24 % — LSD of the head region. From 1 to 8 LSD was detected per soldier examined, (2,3 LSD per person in average). No global somatic dysfunctions were detected. An analysis of the injuries and surgeries in the anamnesis indicates that it contribute to the formation of dominant LSD of the musculoskeletal system and visceral organs.

Conclusion. The conducted research allowed to establish that, despite the individual characteristics of development, a healthy person of military age of the surveyed group shows mainly local somatic dysfunctions. There is a statistically significant association between a burdened history (injuries and surgery) and osteopathic status. The use of osteopathic diagnostics allows to detect somatic dysfunctions which could potentially be a predictor of the formation of more serious diseases and conditions. 

72-81 408

Introduction. The search for a reliable method for determining the characteristics of superficial soft tissues, which would not only evaluate the biomechanical indices of a particular local zone, but also identify existing changes in the entire area subject to therapeutic manipulation and, moreover, offer recommendations for choosing specific massage techniques, is relevant.

The goal of research — to investigate the possibility of using the method of topographic tensoalgometry for assessing the biomechanical characteristics of soft tissues, as a new tool for objective evaluation of methods of manual impact on the patient′s body, taking into account the complete topographic picture of the studied area of patients′ soft tissues.

Materials and methods. The study included 43 volunteers aged 18 to 49 years, 24 male and 19 female, with various pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, mainly with a diagnosis of lower back pain (ICD-10 code M54.5), who were prescribed a course using classic massage techniques, conducted daily for 5 days. Before and after the massage course, all volunteers underwent topographic tensoalgometry.

Results. The advantages of the proposed new method for objectifying the characteristics of surface soft tissues, its practical feasibility and clinical usefulness were shown.

Conclusion. Obtained by topographic tensoalgometric diagnostic′s method the data of a holistic topographic picture of the studied area of the soft tissues of patients allow us to give recommendations on the choice of specific groups of massage techniques and to control the dynamics of changes in the data of strain and algometry. 

82-94 478

Introduction. Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine are the most common chronic human diseases. Pronounced clinical manifestations of vertebrogenic diseases are observed during active labor activity and represent one of the most frequent causes of temporary disability. It is also known that any pain syndromes are accompanied by the development of psychovegetative disorders, which reduces the effectiveness of treatment. In recent years, there has been a reasonable increase in the interest of the medical community to the non-drug treatment methods. It is caused by the polypharmacotherapy side effects, an increased numbers of allergic reactions, problems with polypragmasia, and a low level of compliance. At the same time, the question of the possibility of various non-drug treatment methods combining is quite acute.

The goal of research is to substantiate the clinical effectiveness of the combined application of osteopathic correction and reflexotherapy in the complex treatment of patients with dorsopathy at the cervical-thoracic level.

Materials and methods. A prospective controlled randomized study was conducted on the basis of the medical clinics of LLC «Family Health» (Kazan) and ANO «Center for SEB assistance» (Kazan) from April 2018 to May 2019. The study involved 52 people with dorsopathy at the cervical-thoracic level, aged from 25 to 45 years. In accordance with the exclusion criteria, 7 people dropped out of the study. The remaining patients (45 people), depending on the used treatment method, were divided by a simple randomization method using a random number generator into three groups of 15 people. The first group (main group) received osteopathic correction and reflexotherapyon the background of standard drug therapy; the second and the third groups (control groups) received only osteopathic correction orreflexotherapy, respectively, on the background of standard drug therapy. The osteopathic examination was performed for all patients regardless of the group, before and after the course of therapy, with the formation of an osteopathic conclusion.Also there was the estimation of the degree of pain syndrome severity,the asthenia, and the degree of accumulated emotional and energy charge that does not get out in a person.

Results. It was found in the course of the study that the inclusion of osteopathic correction and reflexotherapy in the complex therapy of patients with dorsopathy at the cervical-thoracic level is clinically more effective than the isolated use of these methods. Such complex therapy allows to achieve a more significant reduction in the severity of the pain syndrome by VAS (p<0,05), relief of internal emotional tension (p<0,05), and increase the effectiveness of correction of dominant somatic dysfunction. Based on the obtained data, it could be assumed that reflexotherapy potentiates the effects of osteopathic correction.

Conclusion. Based on the study, it can be concluded that the combination of osteopathic correction and reflexotherapy in the treatment of patients with dorsopathy at the cervical-thoracic level increases the clinical effectiveness of the standard drug therapy. At the same time, it is worth noting the potentiating effect of the combined use of two non-medicinal methods. The question of combining of various non-drug treatment methods is quite acute today, so this study will be continued. 

95-101 492

Introduction. Piriformis syndrome (PS) is a condition accompanied by tension of the piriformis muscle and followed then by compression of the sciatic nerve passing through the piriformis muscle. According to statistics, PS occurs in 6–35 % of patients with lower back pain. Practitioners still face difficulties in treating patients with PS, and it necessitates the searching of new therapy methods and assessment of their compatibility.

The goal of research — to study the clinical efficacy of the combined use of manual therapy and visual colorimpulse therapy in patients with piriformis syndrome.

Materials and methods. A prospective, controlled, randomized study was conducted in 2019 at the Department of Sports Medicine and Medical Rehabilitation of I. M. Sechenov First Moscow Medical State University. In accordance with the inclusion criteria, 40 patients participated in the study. All participants, depending on the used treatment methodology, were divided by the method of simple randomization using envelopes into two equal groups. In the main group (group I), an integrated approach to treatment was tested: manual therapy in combination with visual color-impulse therapy (CIT); and in the other group (group II) only manual therapy was used.

Results. The combined use of manual therapy and CIT in patients with piriformis syndrome leads to a significantly more pronounced decrease in the pain degree and normalization of impaired muscle tone. Also, an integrated approach helps to eliminate existing angiospastic disorders of the lower extremities.

Conclusion. The study shows a clear positive dynamics in the integrated use of manual therapy methods in combination with visual color-impulse therapy in the treatment of patients with piriformis syndrome. It is planned to continue the study and assess the possibilities of using the combined technique in different groups of patients (athletes, pregnant women) with this syndrome. 

102-113 361

Introduction. Lumbosacral dorsalgia is widespread and represents an actual problem. The greatest difficulties are noted in the treatment of patients with discs hernias of large size. Local injection therapy is actively used. The development of therapeutic methods in such patients remains relevant.

The goal of research is to compare the effectiveness of pharmacological blockade in the complex treatment of spondylogenic lumbosacral radiculoischemia in patients with discs hernias of large size.

Materials and methods. A prospective randomized controlled trial was conducted in March-November 2018 at the Neurological Department No. 2 of the Institute of neurology of the Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University. There were 58 patients with symptoms of lumbosacral radiculoischemia with discs hernias of large sizes. Depending on the used treatment method, the patients were divided into main and control groups. Each patient had 10 sessions of manual therapy lasting 20 minutes each. Sessions were held daily. Preformed physical factors were also used in all the observed patients. Preference was given to low-intensity laser therapy, the number of procedures was 10–15 with an interval on weekends, and the total duration of irradiation was no more than 20 minutes. Additionally, patients in the main group received local injections of diprospan and lidocaine, and patients in the control group received injections without the main substance. The intensity of pain was assessed by visual analog scale during the first day, as well as its intensity by the McGill questionnaire during 14 days.

Results. The study included 24 men and 34 women with signs of compression radiculoishemias with discs hernias of large sizes. The level is lumbosacral (LIV–V, LV –SI ). When evaluating the data in the first hours and within 2 weeks, a significant decrease in the severity of pain syndrome was observed in comparison with the initial results in patients of both groups (p<0,05). The obsered data (pain intensity) significantly differed after 2 and 6 hours (p<0,001), as well as during 4, 7, and 8 days (p<0,01). The use of medication blocks with glucocorticoids has a more significant effect compared to the treatment regimen without the main substance (group 2) for 8–9 h (p<0,05) and 7-day treatment period (p<0,01).

Conclusion. The medication blockades with glucocorticosteroids included in the complex treatment of patients with spondylogenic radiculoishemias with discs hernias of large sizes have a significantly more significant analgesic effect, while the effect is achieved in a short time. When using local injections with diprospan and lidocaine, the therapeutic effect appears gradually, and it persists for a long time — up to 2 weeks. The recommended number of injections is no more than 3 per course of treatment. 


114-120 408
Nephroptosis is a condition of pathological mobility of the kidney that exceeds the physiological limits of its displacement from the renal bed. The relevance of nephroptosis is due to the increase in the detection of this pathology with disability in a significant part of patients, as well as the severity of subjective manifestations and the severity of complications. We offer a case from clinical practice that shows the potential of application of osteopathic correction methods in the complex therapy of pain syndrome in nephroptosis.


121-129 3707
This article provides a review of the literature regarding the original Fascial Distortion Model (FDM). Model was proposed by the American osteopathic doctor S. Typaldos. The article gives brief data on his biography, provides information about the history of the method discovery. Information on the properties and physiology of connective tissue and fascia is presented in sufficient detail. The classification of fascial structures proposed by S. Typaldos with regard to their anatomical and functional features is given. The diagnostic criteria of the six variants of fascial distortions described by S. Typaldos are represented in detail. The principles of FDM treatment are described. Contraindications and possible undesirable reactions that may occur during treatment or after FDM therapy are given. Data on clinical trials conducted in this area are presented.
130-136 308
This analytical review present of the literature on rehabilitation of patients with non-specific low back pain. The wide occurrence of pathology determines the relevance of the studied problem. Much attention is paid to the complex approach, taking into account the pathogenetic mechanisms, the type of pain — nociceptive, neuropathic, dysfunctional, mixed, its temporary characteristics (acute, chronic pain), the emotional and somatic status of patients, pain attitudes and pain behaviors. The article considers a multidisciplinary approach to the treatment of patients with non-specific pain in the lower back using physical therapy modalities, balneology, medication and interventional treatment.


137-145 580

Aim. Up to 10 % of population suffer from asthma. Asthma often means managing a treatment with limited action on a daily basis. The study aim was to assess the impact of a General Osteopathic treatment (GOT) on the respiratory function in asthmatic children.

Method. 15 asthmatic subjects, aged 4 to 15, diagnosed by an allergologist, received one GOT session. Objective results were obtained through a bodyplethysmography measure before and after treatment. Variables observed were: Tiffeneau′s coefficient, mean expiratory fl ow from small bronchial tubes, bronchial resistances and residual capacity.

Results. Comparison between result before and after treatment showed a significant improvement of all measures after the GOT.

Conclusions. On a short term basis, a session of GOT allows to asthmatic child to improve its lung capacity. Including Osteopathy in the pluridisciplinary care of asthmatic children appears to be relevant. 





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